THE BRAZIL CHINA PROJECT | A Declaration of Love for China and Brazil by Heike Hahn and Stefani Peter

Strände | Beaches | Praias | 海滩

Brazil | So Many Beaches

Brasiliens Küste spannt 7491 km zwischen Uruguay im Süden und Französisch Guyana im Norden. Von den 26 Staaten haben nur 9 keinen Zugang zum Atlantik. Ich liebe die Ozeane der Welt und Brasilien hat unzweifelhaft wundervolle Strände.

Brazil has 7491 km of coastline between the border to Uruguay in the south and French Guyana in the north. Of the 26 Brazilian states only 9 of them have no access to the Atlantic Ocean. I love the oceans of the world and Brazil has undoubtedly amazing beaches.

O litoral brasileiro abrange 7.491 km entre o Uruguai, no sul, e a Guiana Francesa, no norte. Dos 26 estados, apenas 9 não têm acesso ao Atlântico. Eu amo os oceanos do mundo e o Brasil, sem dúvida, tem praias maravilhosas.

Ilha do Mosqueiro Pará | 2019
Guaruja São Paulo | 1996
Enjoying a home made Cachaça at the Restaurant Sonho Mio at night. Ilha do Cotijuba Pará | 2020

GOOGLE Map Beaches

Jangadas, traditional fishing boats in Morro Branco | Ceará | 2006
The crooked buildings on the Beach in Santos | São Paulo | 2020
Morning stroll on the beach | Santos | São Paulo | 2020
Garça and Urubu together on the beach. Legend has it that these two very different birds love each other, and it is true you can see them often together. Pará | 2019
Dona Onete, a 81 year old famous singer from Pará sings a song in the carimbó style about the love between the two species at the harbor of Belém, the capital of Pará.

China | Xiamen – Province Fujian

Strand, Xiamen | Fujian 2018
Strand, Xiamen | Fujian 2018

Xiaman, Fujian: Ein Paradies an der chinesischen Südost-Küste, Knapp 200 Kilometer Luftlinie trennt die kleine Küstenstadt von der tropischen Insel Taiwan, die direkt gegenüber von Xiamen liegt. Xiamen bietet das gesamte Jahr über Urlaubsflair mit seinen weißen Stränden, dem klaren Himmel und den Palmen.

Xiaman, Fujian: A paradise on China’s southeast coast, barely 200 kilometers as the crow flies separate the small coastal city from the tropical island of Taiwan, which lies directly opposite Xiamen. Xiamen offers year-round vacation flair with its white beaches, clear skies and palm trees.


Google Maps Provinz Fujian | China