THE BRAZIL CHINA PROJECT | A Declaration of Love for China and Brazil by Heike Hahn and Stefani Peter

Rio de Janeiro | Gansu

Brazil | Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Ich war kein großer Freund der Stadt Rio de Janeiro. Es gab zu viel Tourismus und viele Kinder in Gruppen, die bettelten. Die Leute gingen in Badeanzügen durch die Stadt, gingen einkaufen und saßen in Restaurants. Es war 1998 und ich war schockiert. Aber der Bundesstaat Rio war wunderschön. Leider habe ich nicht viele Landschaftsfotos.

I am not a big friend of the city of Rio de Janeiro. There was too much tourism and many children in groups that were begging. People were walking through the city in bathing suits, going shopping and sitting in restaurants. It was 1998 and I was shocked. But the State of Rio was beautiful. Unfortuately I don’t have many landscape photos.

Não gostei da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Havia muito turismo e muitas crianças em grupos que pediam esmolas. As pessoas caminhavam pela cidade em trajes de banho, fazendo compras e sentando em restaurantes. Era 1998 e fiquei chocada. Mas o Estado do Rio é lindo. Infelizmente não tenho muitas fotos de paisagens.

GOOGLE Maps Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro. View down from the Corcovado | 1998
Rio de Janeiro | Jardim Botanico | 1998
Parque do Lage | Park and Estate of the Lage Familiy. Unfortunately is the famous Christ statue on top of the mountain in the clouds… | Rio de Janeiro | 1998

4.6 China – Gansu Province

Wüste Dunhuang | Gansu 2016
Zangye-Danxia-Geopark | Gansu 2016

Gansu: Mama sagt, wir alle kommen aus Lanzhou, der Hauptstadt der Provinz Gansu, auch du, obwohl du so ausländisch ausschaust, 2016 lerne ich meine Urgroßmutter und die Großtanten in Lanzhou, kennen, fahre mit dem Liege-Zug entlang der alten Seidenstraße, zur alten Oasenstadt Dunhuang, im Nordwesten der westchinesischen Provinz Gansu. 

Gansu: Mom says we are all from Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province, including you, even though you look so foreign, 2016 I meet my great-grandmother and great-aunts in Lanzhou, ride the recumbent train along the ancient Silk Road, to the ancient oasis city of Dunhuang, in the northwest of western China’s Gansu Province.  


Ankunft in Dunhuang, Wüste soweit das Auge reicht, schon beim Anblick der schaukelnden Kamele ist mir flau im Magen, entscheide mich für eine Jeepfahrt, rein in die Wüste für zwei Stunden, auf dem Rückweg zu den Regenbogenbergen im Zangye-Danxia-Nationalpark, eine umwerfend schöne Landschaft erwartet mich.

Arrival in Dunhuang, desert as far as the eye can see, already at the sight of the rocking camels I feel sick to my stomach, decide to take a jeep ride, pure into the desert for two hours, on the way back to the Rainbow Mountains in the Zangye-Danxia National Park, a stunningly beautiful landscape awaits me.


Google Maps Provinz Gansu | China